What is Counselling?

Psychological Counselling is like a discussion. Everyone is capable and strong enough to face their problems. The goal of Counselling is to strengthen that ability. We do not just provide general advices for your situations. But, we provide the psychological support you need, to live your life better and to face your own situations precisely and exceptionally. This is the motive of Psychological Consultation or Counselling.

Who is Psychologist or Counsellor?

A person who has qualification in Psychology, Social Work, Counselling & Guidance is a Psychologist or Counselor. A Counselor does not discriminate you based on any aspect. A Counselor does not judge you. A Counselor always accepts you as who you are.

A Counselor ardently believes that “Human beings are basically good and that every person has their own individuality” A Counselor applies certain psychological principles and techniques and helps you overcome your difficulties and also avoid future complications.

Why do we need Counselling?

Even though everyone believes that they are very strong and can face their issues by themselves. However, at some point of time, they need someone’s support.

In fact, success comes when a person accepts their own problem and seeks out for help. That is a sign of their strength. Counselling may be required in the following circumstances

  • When you are extremely stressed
  • When you have a depressed mind, forceful and negative thoughts, unacceptable thoughts and improper thoughts
  • When you can’t handle stress
  • When you have problems or issues in marriage, friendships, work place relationships
  • When you have stress or confusion at school / college / office
  • When you have prolonged mental depression, fear, worries
  • Not getting enough sleep or tendency to over sleep and miss out on work
  • Less interested over life
  • Not able to communicate properly
  • Confused about desires, skills and lawfulness
  • Thoughts of suicide or self destruction

Can I not get advice from a friend or a well-wisher?

Friends and well-wishers are very important people in our life. Yes, of course you can discuss your issues with them and may sometimes find relief. But they may not be able to look at your problem in a neutral way. Because they know you for a long time, they probably have prejudiced ideas about you. So, the advice you get will be based on their own experiences. But, when you seek support from a Counselor, the advice and support you get, are neutral and based on proven scientific resolutions and their vast experience on the number of issues they have handled for their clients.

How can Counselling help me?

By looking at your problems in a different angle, by expressing your inner needs properly, you will find support and resolutions to your existing problems, loss and difference of opinions.