Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety & Stress

The symptoms of anxiety are sometimes not all that obvious as they often develop gradually and, given that we all experience some anxiety at some points in time, it can be hard to know how much is too much.

Some common symptoms Anxiety & Stress

Generalised anxiety disorder

For 6 months or more, on more days than not, have you:

  1. Felt very worried
  2. Found it hard to stop worrying
  3. Found that your anxiety made it difficult for you to do everyday activities (e.g. work, study, seeing friends and family)?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, have you also experienced 3 or more of the following?

  • Felt restless or on edge
  • Felt easily tired
  • Had difficulty concentrating
  • Felt irritable
  • Had muscle pain (e.g. sore jaw or back)
  • Had trouble sleeping (e.g. difficulty falling or staying asleep or restless sleep)?
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Dry mouth, butterflies in the stomach, feeling sick
  • Inner tension
  • Agitation
  • Feelings of detachment, as if trapped in a bubble separate from the world
  • Racing heart beat (palpitations)

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